最新的《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports™,简称JCR)显示,共有5本国产电气工程期刊在列,包括:
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (PCMP)
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems (CSEE JPES)
High Voltage
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy (MPCE)
Plasma Science & Technology (PST)
其中,PCMP(影响因子10.500)、CSEE JPES(影响因子6.014)、High Voltage(影响因子4.967)位列JCR一区,MPCE(影响因子4.469)位列JCR二区,PST(影响因子1.842)位列JCR三区。
1. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics: 控制、仪表、电气(电机、电力电子、电力系统的设备
2. IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics :电力电子
3. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid :智能电网
4. IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine :同1(包括非技术领域)
5. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy:新能源(光伏、风力发电等)
6. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems :电力系统
7. IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion:电气设备、器件、系统
8. IET Renewable Power Generation :新能源
9. IEEE Transactions on Industry applications :电气设备、器件、系统的工业应用
10. Electric Power Systems Research :电力系统
11. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery :输配电和保护装置
12. IET Power Electronics:电力电子
13. IEEE Power & Energy Magazine:电力能源(包括非技术领域)
14. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics :磁学相关(电机、变压器)
15. IET Generation Transmission & Distribution :输配电
16. IEEE Transactions on ELectromagnetic Compatibility :电磁兼容
17. IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation:电气绝缘
18. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity:超导应用
19. Progress in Electromagnetics Research-PIER :电磁研究
20. IET Electric Power Applications :电机类技术
21. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics:电磁场类(计算等)
22. Journal of Power Electronics:电力电子
23. International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems :电力系统
24. IEEE Industry Applications Magazine :电气设备、器件、系统的工业应用(包括非技术领域)
25. IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering:电气工程